Family Support
Admissions Manager, Gilly Godwin is your first point of contact with David Lewis College. Gilly will chat to you to gather some initial information about your son, daughter or person you care for and invite you to visit David Lewis. Gilly will informally show you around site and answer any questions you may have. Once an application is made, Gilly will be the key person who maintains contact with you and who guides you through the admissions process – organising visits by key members of our senior team to home, school and sometimes, respite with you, if appropriate, organising an assessment visit for your son or daughter and keeping you in touch with the progress of your application.
Student Support Coordinator
The Student Support Coordinator will support the admission of all new students into the College by liaising and working closely with parents, carers, schools and the local authorities.
The Student Support Coordinator works alongside our Personal Tutor Team to ensure that communication between all parties is a priority. I also ensure that parents and carers are informed of all progress and achievements in College whilst supporting the well-being of each of our students through the delivery of PSHE sessions throughout the academic year.
The Student Support Coordinator also supports the placement commissioners to develop transition plans for all students who are due to leave the College.
Personal Tutors
Each student is allocated a Personal Tutor when they start at David Lewis college. The named Personal Tutor will introduce themselves to the Student’s, parents/guardians/carers and will complete regular tutorials. Each student will be supported to identify and communicate their likes, dislikes, preferences and any concerns in order to ensure the school continues to meet their needs.
The Personal Tutor will:
- Maintain regular contact and provide education updates to Parents / guardians and carers
- Set and monitor all core targets throughout the tutorial process
- Work closely with school Managers to ensure continuity
- Be an advocate for all students
- Be the main point of contact for Parents/guardians and carers to liase regarding any for educational